После июньской прямой линии с губернатором Мурманской области Андреем Чибисом Министерство строительства продолжает выполнять поручения, об этом сообщают в правительстве региона
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Murmansk government is taking action to improve living conditions for residents.
Specifically, they are following up on a promise made during a June meeting with the governor by installing new boilers in two homes in Murmansk that were previously lacking hot water. This action directly addresses a resident concern and demonstrates the government's commitment to fulfilling its promises.
The text mentions a news story about two other homes in Safoonovo-1 being without heat, implying that this is part of a broader effort to resolve heating and water issues in the region.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Murmansk government is taking action to improve living conditions for residents. Specifically, they are following up on a promise made during a June meeting with the governor by installing new boilers in two homes in Murmansk that were previously lacking hot water. This action directly addresses a resident concern and demonstrates the government's commitment to fulfilling its promises. The text mentions a news story about two other homes in Safoonovo-1 being without heat, implying that this is part of a broader effort to resolve heating and water issues in the region.